Dear white colonel…STFU
Col. Ben Jonsson meeting his hero, Party Commisar Nancy Pelosi.
Can you believe this guy wrote this article?
Dear white colonel … we must address our blind spots around race
I mean I guess I can believe it. But I’m inundated in this shit day after day. Every day we seem to take another step into the hell of Marxism with boomer colonels and GOs with guilty consciences leading the way.
Comrade Jonsson starts by making his religious appeal and questioning the devotion of those who have not accepted their original sin.
“As white colonels, you and I are the biggest barriers to change if we do not personally address racial injustice…”
Could you give me specific examples of this injustice beyond the anecdotal, unconfirmed, first hand experience?
“Defensiveness is a predictable response by white people”
That’s called a Kafka-trap and that shit don’t fly here. If you get to attack me with the slander of being racist then I get to defend myself. I am just a dumb whitey though.
I’ll let John McWhorter, renowned intellectual and professor of linguistics, explain from his article in The Atlantic:
If you object to any of the “feedback” that DiAngelo offers you about your racism, you are engaging in a type of bullying “whose function is to obscure racism, protect white dominance, and regain white equilibrium.”
As McWhorter explains further in the article of course the entire point of this is to shut you up so you can’t rebut their obviously silly accusations, libel or slander. The point is silence.
Comrade Jonsson continues,
“We are largely blind to institutional racism. . . “
Institutions like the military have codified laws, regulations and policies. Could you point me to the institution policies that are racist? I would like citations.
“. . . and we take offense to any suggestion that our system advantaged us at the expense of others.”
First, I would like to know how the system disadvantages people and where that is codified. Also, who did you take the position from and why haven’t you relived yourself of that position and given it to a black, transgender, queer, bisexual, werewolf? I want to see your virtue shine.
Phew! And with that we’ve made it through the first paragraph. However, I think you get the point.
Comrade Jonsson isn’t finished though,
“A good primer is to read or listen to the short book, “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism” by Robin DiAngelo.”
Honestly, I think recommending this book should be an EO complaint by itself. The book is the racist screed of an anti-American, Marxist who hates white people, the country in general because it has white people, and believes black people are stupid and need to be coddled. I believe none of those things.
John McWhorter, professor of Linguistics at Columbia University, wrote in his review in The Atlantic:
“I am not convinced. Rather, I have learned that one of America’s favorite advice books of the moment is actually a racist tract. Despite the sincere intentions of its author, the book diminishes Black people in the name of dignifying us.”
You see, because I believe that paternalistic racism is a much larger problem than malevolent racism, and I think the last few months have proven me right. The entire economy has turned to patronizing black supporters with an overly-wrought show of support that is embarrassing. And that’s all it is, it’s a show to capitalize on a cultural moment. The book White Fragility has been around since 2018 and purchasing it and recommending it is just a show of devotion (a virtue signal) for the white cultists. It’s penance or flagellation.
The book may be short but it’s also just a cult manual. It is no different than the Rite of Exorcism. A way for the devoted to purge their Thetons. I’m sorry I’m mixing up my cults now. But you get the point. DiAngelo is a cult leader, or one of the many high priests of the cult.
Everything Jonsson said is not concrete but ethereal. It’s the repetition of scripture or liturgy of a system with a magical divine, invisible omnipresence. It’s there you just can’t see it. If the system was discriminatory there would be proof with proven causation. For instance, the fact that more black airmen are punished is in line with the social data and FBI crime statistics on who commits serious and violent crimes. Are we here to have a discussion or not? More men are punished and more harshly than women? Is there reason to believe there is discrimination. Should we make broad cultural changes to ensure equality of outcome in punishment for men and women? Where’s the nearest Wendy’s? I’m pissed.
If we’re going to have a discussion and make sweeping cultural changes I think all facts should be brought to bear. There is no evidence that racism is the causation of more black Airmen getting punished. None at all. That’s why every military branch has been slow to even provide any way to solve a problem that is the result of individual choices and actions. The military doesn’t have a solution for what the data shows. They only say they’re still studying the data and investigating to find out why more black service members are punished. I have a feeling many a person researching this may get red pilled on crime stats.
He also ventures into the idea that black people just aren’t capable of meeting the white man’s standard, espousing the bigotry of lowered expectations, the paternalistic racism of leftists.
“A white colonel agreed that when anyone joins the Air Force, they need to adopt the culture of the Air Force, that we should not make cultural accommodations. By obscuring any cultural differences in the Air Force, he excused himself from the need to dig into the underlying issue of racial disparity.”
Don’t worry Comrade Jonsson’s biggest concern is the force, not virtue signalling.
“A white colonel worried that a wing-level discussion about the disproportionate rate of Article 15s given to Black Airmen would have a chilling effect on holding minorities accountable and would degrade good order and discipline.”
You know what, he’s right and Jonsson knows he’s right. You know what else degrades cohesion, good order and discipline? Telling 60% of the service they are either outright or secret racists pieces of shit. Telling them to read a cult manual on how to identify their Thetons and tells them more how they are racist pieces of shit and they should just shut up. Everything the whites do is wrong and every problem black people have isn’t a result of individual choice but the product of an unfair system. The whites will be held accountable for their actions and the blacks get a pass because they have a scapegoat for their individual failures.
This is paternalistic racism institutionalized. It shouldn’t be allowed and this Colonel shouldn’t be able to get away with this bullshit.
I won’t spend one moment in any course that mentions this fucking book. I won’t spend a second being lectured to out of racist, religious documents about how racist I am. And with the DOD’s new Diversity and Inclusion Task Force I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities for me to walk out of EO classes. D and I is a scam. Hire the best person. I don’t give a shit about their immutable characteristics. They mean nothing.