“Nothing is noble if it’s done unwilling or under compulsion. Every noble deed is voluntary.” Seneca- Moral Letters, 66.16b
If I am anything I am a heretic. A contrarian. I always have been. From my youngest years at church, in school. In college. I fear I always will be. It makes life just a little harder when you could just go along to get along and you decide, “Nah, I need to say something about this.” And everything gets derailed.
I have a story about why I’m here now. With pseudonym. Attached via VPN. With hidden website registration. Maybe someone could track me down. Maybe I give away too much info and they can find me even given these precautions. It’s a long post but the Army decided to prosecute me and destroy my career over wrongthink. Now, my heterodox opinions must remain hidden, removed from my rank or personality, and made to stand alone for themselves.