Evangelists of Diversity…Except the one that Matters
Evangelists of Diversity
Except the Diversity that Matters
Today’s headlines show no slowing of the march through the institutions as more executive departments and agencies adopt the religion of SocJus as their institutional dogma. First we have the Treasury Department telling all white people they are all problems. This isn’t racist though. As we just saw Nick Cannon had to apologize for his anti-Semitism but not his anti-white racism.
This was sent from the Treasury Dept. whistle blower to a reporter for City Journal. The reporter then released a twitter thread about the training called “Difficult Conversations About Race.”
Then we have this report from the Defense Intelligence Agency where the director a Lieutenant General has directed his agency to read the racist, Marxist, anti-American, anti-white screed of race huckster called White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo. A name I’m frankly sick of hearing. Every time I hear that name and that book I want to put my fist through a kitten to make the rage go away.
Lieutenant General Robert Ashley Jr. the Director of National Intelligence, recommended the book in an email sent to the staff of DNI. He tried to get off with the ol’ “aw well shucks I thought the ideas might be of interest to some in the DNI.” The reason he recommended the book was because he needed to signal to his superiors that he is on board with the new program. He probably has’t event read it. In true Marxist fashion the political officers must show the politburo they are true believers. Ashley is the type of guy that would die from clapping. A weak nothing. A hollow suit to be filled.
This started with the Secretary of Defense standing a board on Diversity and Inclusion to root out racism in the DoD a few weeks ago. This was because Minneapolis and George Floyd and all soldiers are criminals who get stopped by cops or something. It’s just trickling down hill now. It’s all just preening and virtue signalling from one part of the hierarchy to the next. We are substituting virtue signalling for national security. We already have EO mechanisms in the military to report discrimination.
The worst thing you could be to the people that are going to have your back in a firefight is be a bigot.
The military is rotten with Marxists from top to bottom, not racists. Every general officer needs to be fired right now. These boomer GOs and Colonels are leading the military down a path to hell.
My next question, these are all federal executive agencies, where is Pres. Trump?
I guess if President Trump tweets “Law and Order” long enough it will placate his drooling base of boomer, QAnon conspiracy theorists while literal racist Marxists take over every government agency including the DoD. That’s fine, I guess if you don’t mind gulags, starvation and genocide. We have an allegedly Republican president in charge of the executive branch so I have to guess it’s at his behest racist, anti-white religious dogma is being propagated as equality and diversity training in the executive agencies like the DoD and Department of the Treasury. Where is he on this? It would take a simple order to all agencies to make them stop.
Yet, nothing. Not even a tweet. As his supporters are lambasted and impugned. And this isn’t just about white people. This is about the numerous black people that find this kind of patronizing bullshit disgusting and wrong. I guess I should expect no less from him as he did nothing as all his supporters have been effectively quarantined from every public town square on the internet.
This ideology is not constructive it is destructive and that is the point of it all. Do you want the DoD destroyed from the inside while 60 percent of the force is told they are vile, covert or overt racists? If the president doesn’t care to stop it then why should anyone else.
There are few things he can do short of firing every GO as I think he should
1. Fire SecDef Mark Esper. His instincts on this are wrong.
2. Investigate every GO that has propagated this racist information as official policy. They can ignore orders that are illegal or immoral and refused to have the courage to do it for something as simple as this. What good are they?
3. Issue an executive order to halt and review all Diversity and Inclusion training inside every executive agency.
4. Issue an ban on White Fragility as a source for information for executive agency programs due to the book’s racism and obvious political bias. Just like when the DoD stopped using the SPLC as a source of information for the same reason in 2014 and all federal agencies in 2017.