The U.S. Army flanks hard left with the Marxists
In light of recent race riots and to appease the mob the U.S. Army in grand impotence released its own plan for appeasing the woke June 25. The plan called “Project Inclusion” is “to improve diversity, equity and inclusion across the force and build cohesive teams,” according the public release on
The four initial measures are:
1. The Army will no longer include official photos for officer selection boards beginning August 2020. Further, warrant officer and noncommissioned officer board processes will now be under review and subject to the same evidence-based standards.
I mean, that’s fine. It’s getting harder to keep this weight off and fit in my uniform anyway. I’m also lazy and it’s an extra step to promotion boards I never saw any use for. They weren’t looking at your race. They were looking to make sure you didn’t look like a fat sausage crammed into your dress uniform. It was definitely discriminatory against the lazy and fat fucks. Although I have seen my fair share of fat fucking Lt. Colonels who I know couldn’t pass a fitness test.
2. The Army will conduct an examination of possible racial disparity within our justice system. The assessment will focus on AWOL cases, urinalysis results, sexual assault and sexual harassment to determine whether a trend for bias exists.
Recently the DoD conducted an analysis of punishments in the UCMJ and it showed a disparity in punishments for black versus white soldiers. After the GOs get done jerking off to “White Fragility” maybe they could read “Disparities and Discrimination” by Thomas Sowell. A disparity doesn’t always mean discrimination. Men are punished in the UCMJ system 90% more than women. Is that because there is a gender bias? Do we need reforms to make that number more equal? Should we have commander’s questioned by authorities every time they punish a male versus when they punish a female. The rate of punishment in the military matches the trend in the civilian world. Maybe that says something about the individuals and not the system.
3. The Army Equity and Inclusion Agency and the Inspector General will conduct listening sessions with Soldiers and civilians worldwide to converse on race, diversity, equity and inclusion.
So, now the Army is going to order its soldiers to attend Maoist struggle sessions where the whites will be forced to flagellate themselves in front of their black superiors, subordinates, and peers or be punished. I won’t sit for one fucking second and be ordered to listen to this cultural Marxist shit. I will interrupt the proceeding and invite people to walk out and call my lawyer. These are listening sessions right? So do I have the right to stand up and say disparity is not discrimination. Can I explain to them that “White Fragility” is garbage, BLM™ is a racist, violent, Marxist organization and we shouldn’t be taking cues from them on how to manage personnel in the military? BLM™ is in direct contravention to the mission of the United States Army and they are a domestic enemy. These are things I can’t say. If you want to know who’s in charge, find out who you can’t criticize.
How do I know this is what these sessions will be? Well, the news today provides that answer.
The headline from June 8, Military Times: “Army investigates handout suggesting Trump campaign slogan constitutes ‘covert white supremacy'”
The Army Political Commissars listed on their handout for these struggle sessions that MAGA is a covert white supremacy. Honestly, the entire triangle is troubling on many levels.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) was given the handout by attendees of the future session at Anniston Depot, Alabama. He sent a letter to the Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. McConville, the Secretary of the Army and Attorney General Bill Barr. Why the Attorney General? Because it’s a violation of federal law. The Hatch Act limits the amount of political participation uniform military and civilians can have, especially during election seasons, especially in an official capacity.
4. The Army has already taken steps to increase awareness of unconscious bias and mitigate its impacts, such as updating diversity and inclusion training across our ranks.
The Army is using debunked pseudo-scientific soft science to disparage white soldiers. Studies and meta-analysis of implicit bias shows that 1) it’s not scientifically sound and 2) training on unconscious bias is ineffective at best and harmful to organizations at worst.
Another question along those lines, how does it increase good order and discipline, unit cohesion to have 61% told they are either overt or secret racist pieces of shit? Seeing that this religious mania has no stopping, why should any black soldier have to listen to any white superior, when, in accordance with the dogma of BLM(TM) they have received their position or rank through illicit or ill-gotten means that prevented a person of color from holding that position? We are only about 10 minutes away from that being justified.
Equal enforcement of regulations or nah?
The laws and regulations of the US Army should prohibit soldiers from participating in BLM™ marches, rallies, activities. What, you say? Army Regulation 600-20 Army Command Policy, Paragraph 4-12 Extremist organizations and activities, lays out rigid standards for determining participation in extremist organizations and punitive action for participation.
Army Regulation 600-20, 4-12 Extremist organizations
Does BLM™ :
1. advocate racial or ethnic or intolerance? Yes.
2. Engage in illegal discrimination based on race, color? Yes.
3. Advocate the use of force or violence or unlawful means to deprive individuals of their rights? Yes.
4. Support terrorist organizations or objectives? Is being in solidarity with organizations on the US terror list, Palestinian Liberation Front, count? I would think so.
5. Unlawful use of violence to achieve goals that I would say are religious and ideological? Yes.
6. Express duty to engage in violence against DOD or the US in support of an extremist cause? Would taking over cities and holding them by force count?
7. Encourage military personnel to disobey lawful orders or regulations? There were reports of people from the 82nd Airborne refusing to deploy because of they didn’t agree with a lawful order. For them I say make summary execution great again. There were protestors telling the NG to lay down their weapons and kneel and some of them did. This is subversion.
If any one of these is true to any degree then a soldier is prohibited from attending any public demonstration, rally, meeting or activity by this organization. Some of these are true to some degree or another but BLM™ meets at least eight of the nine criteria for being an extremist organization. We basically have video of BLM (TM) protesters participating in any number of those activities to one degree or another. A degree to which if it where white people doing it, there would be no question they are a radical, extremist organization.
So, why are we instituting their principles of a violent extremist organization at the strategic level?
I don’t know.
But I do believe President Trump should get to using his favorite catch phrase on a whole slew of general officers and civilian leaders.
Distribution of race and ethnicity among the U.S. military | Statista. (2017). Statista; Statista.
DOD USD P&R. (2012, February 22). DODI 1325.06 Handling Dissident and Protest Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces. ESD.WHS.MIL.
U.S. Army Public Affairs. (2020, June 25). Army unveils new initiative to promote diversity, inclusion across the force. Www.Army.Mil.
U.S. Army Publications. (2014). Army Regulation 600-20.