DoD submits to demands of terrorists
In the days and weeks since our cities have been engulfed by the BLM™ protesters of peace, peacefully destroying businesses, tranquilly burning public property, and calmly raping and murdering people, a few organizations have decided to concede to their demands. One of these organizations is the DOD. I didn’t realize it was the policy of the DOD to concede to demands of terrorists.
Many people bristle at the idea that you would call BLM™ terrorists. I would like to direct you to Army Regulation 600-20, Army Command Policy, which lays out nine criteria for determining whether an organization is and extremist organization. As if the actions of BLM™ protesters of peace, keepers of the divine tranquility weren’t enough to designate them as at least a violent radical organization let’s connect the dots that are right in front of us that no person denies.
Army Regulation 600-20, 4-12
I would like to point out bullet numbers four and seven.
Point number four support for terrorist organizations or objectives. Now, remember this regulation isn’t talking about the individual, it is a determination for the organization. BLM™ has provided support for the Palestinian Liberation Front, a designated terrorist organization and their objective to take Israel from the Jews.
They almost make it too easy concerning point number seven.
Here is the FBI most wanted picture for Assata Shakur. Shakur is a wanted terrorist who conducted, advocated and advocates for the unlawful use of force or violence. So, that’s a bona fide terrorist, right?
In 2015 BLM™ co-founder Opal Tometti led members of the cult in a chant of support to Shakur. Take their word for it, not mine. I will let them speak for themselves.
Maybe the BLM™ mural to Shakur makes the point?
Is that enough or should we talk about Susan Rosenberg, vice-chair of the Thousand Currents organization a fund-raising organization to BLM™. BLM™, Thousand Currents, Shakur and Rosenberg are like-minded radical, communist revolutionaries. Like Shakur, Rosenberg, has advocated for the unlawful use of force or violence and spent 16 years in prison for violence she conducted as part of the May 19th Communist Organization including bombing of the Naval War College.
These are just two of the points of many. If a white service member was a member of an organization, and that organization was committing acts of violence, insurrection and subversion; made chants to Nathan Bedford Forrest; and took money from organizations ran by Dylan Roof, the full force of the federal government would fall upon them and destroy them. So, there is disparity in the justice system, it is just not what the leftist institutions are telling you.
Not only is law enforcement not falling down upon service members participating in this obviously radical, extremist, violent, anti-American, racist, insurrectionist organization, the DoD thinks they have good points that should be adopted by the force of the mob with the complicity of cult members inside the institution through Orwellian Diversity and Inclusion indoctrination.
DoD creates board to provide concrete recommendations on race and diversity
Does this solve a problem we identified before the race riots of 2020? Or is it blatant an obvious paternalistic pandering to a mob? I believe it’s just PR to cut the mob, which include woke members of the cult who control the purse of the military.
The impotence and weakness of any organization to stand against this mob utterly disheartening.
References: linked above.