The Lockdowns are Radical

Locking us down in bubbles

The lockdowns created the riots. I have watched the dark corners of the internet grow over the last five years. And I have watched them grow mushrooms as these people on both the left and right are forced into the dark and fed shit. People have been locked away from balancing influences like conversations with good faith opposition. However, one side has been radicalized and given full power of the government.

Lockdowns locked people away from moderating influences such as talking to co-workers, friends, family of different perspectives. The lockdowns hyper radicalized people.

Social media as the only social gathering outlet with algorithms to give you what you want created information bubbles for both the left and right. I would say more on the left than the right. Studies have shown conservatives understand liberals better than liberals understand conservatives. The left believes in huge conspiracies which we now use as corporate and national EO policy. They somehow believe that they aren’t being heard while being parroted by every major institution from Hollywood to the Department of Defense. Everyone is on their side in the cultural revolution.

The people who believe QAnon (a majority of the Captiol rioters) and at this point with no evidence presented to believe in widespread rampant election fraud (no more than any other election) are no different from the people who believe in the conspiracy theory of white privilege and the Russian Pee Pee tapes. They have been locked down to their bubbles on the internet which confirms only their beliefs. Then these beliefs are confirmed by political representatives who have power and credibility. Like Rep. AOC, Speaker Pelosi and President Trump.

By the extension of the rules of our Silicon Valley Technogarchs any person who believes a conspiracy about the unfairness or validity of an election, for instance, the 2016 election was stolen by Russians, should equally be banned, censored, and have their dangerous ideas digitally quarantined.

This leads to another problem. None of the rules are being applied equally. The dissolution of the social contract is critical to the anger on the right. One side gets punished and the other gets a pass because they own all the institutions of power. Why would you believe in law and order when none has been demonstrated? Trumpists stormed the Capitol expecting no repercussions because there have been no repercussions to the Leftists who burned cities for 10 months.

Owning all the institutions will allow the left with their political leaders like Speaker Pelosi, Rep. Oman, et al to expedite their cultural revolution.

The Capitol rioters just wanted to be heard. A note I have made for five years is that when you take away people’s ability to communicate and vocalize their ideas, as bad or wrong as they may be, you leave them only physical action as a recourse. They will make themselves heard. If they can’t speak, they will do. In this way social media is also to blame. This is why the BLAntifa riots make no sense. Every institution parrots their talking points and has adopted their religion as a standard ideology. The other side’s ideas are just as bad from the opposite side’s perspective.

Here’s a warning to anyone to the right of Mao, anyone who tacitly supported Trump or even any person who didn’t vocally enough denounce every action by Trump and vilify his supporters and voters vocally enough, or even was connected to them on social media, or you didn’t participate enough in the Two Minutes of Hate: You are going to be expelled from society.

The revolution will not stop and storming the Capitol only escalated what they were going to do anyway. It just moved up the timeline. With the help of the Technogarchs who, in reality, run our new digital society as you are locked down, they are going to unperson you.

Taking away your Facebook account is the least of your concerns. They are going to come for your jobs, they are going to cancel your Gmail and bank accounts. Did you donate to the Trump campaign? A simple transaction that can be tracked. And bloop. With the click of an icon by some nerd in an office, your account is gone.

At the extreme end they may be able to convince life-sustaining elements like power and gas companies to cut off the supply to your house, depending upon how much power they can foment through collective outrage. Don’t blame the Capitol rioters, this was all coming anyways. It’s how Maoist cultural revolutions work.

I honestly won’t be surprised to see reeducation camps a kind established by leftists. It may even become an economy where Trump supporters can buy indulgences to wash their sins in the Church of SocJus. How desperate will you get when you can’t get a job, make a living, or even have a bank account? I think you would consider two weeks in the camp to continue to just live your life.

I don’t think the camps will be physical, they don’t have to be in the modern age. Your digital presences, which are more important, especially now in a time of authoritarian government-enforced lockdowns, will be quarantined, or sequestered until you complete your online reeducation camp.

Do you think it is a coincidence that the people who most vociferously support the lockdowns also support the revolution? I don't think it was planned but one follows the other in their totalitarian ideology.

In this way, this revolution is almost more dangerous because it requires no risk for the revolutionaries. They do not have to physically detain and arrest you risking physical harm. It’s very low energy and low effort, which a revolution shouldn’t be. It should require high cost and high risk to ensure that the ends are worth the means.

It will take very little effort at all with the assistance of the Maoists’ Silicon Valley cultural enforcement agents clicking an icon to digitally sequester you from your family and friends. For the agents to essentially take away the only life you have given current circumstances. Reacquiring a life you’ve built since 2006 or 2007 in order to live in the “New Normal” will be the blackmail to force you to submit.

At this point, I would say the social contract is broken. Fifty percent of Americans don’t have any of the four parts of the federal government to speak for them, which is now run by a party that wants a Maoist cultural revolution. The government is run by people who hate you and want you dead. They want the country, and they will take it by any means necessary. That is their motto, right? BAMN.

They will use technogarchs to censor, silence, and unperson you.

They will use the government and police to disarm you.

You will submit.

There will come a point when you will have to make an individual decision to live on your knees or die standing.


The Governors Revolt


I’m calling Broken Arrow…The DoD has been overrun…