Hegemony isn’t forever, empire isn’t guaranteed

The only reason we are involved in the Ukraine fight at all is because Russia spent $100,000 on Facebook ads in the 2016 campaign and Hillary Clinton, the administrative state, flipped out about foreign election interference. They then proceeded on a 7 year long witch hunt to find all the Russians and fabricated an entire lie about Trump being a Russian asset. The only reason this wasn’t labeled disinformation is because the establishment administrative state supported it. They supported the information operations campaign on the American public propagandizing that 74 million American voters are enemies of the republic because they didn’t like the guy they voted for.

In other words, they hate democracy in action. Remember it’s democracy if they get elected, it’s fascism if their enemies get elected. And let’s stop using euphemisms, leftists are your enemies. They treat you like an enemy it does no good for you to live in denial and treat them like they are opposition acting in good faith.

We are only involved in this war and Russia-hate with the obligatory two minutes of hate on every established network, because of a made up and tangential connection Russia to Trump.

Another thing that doesn’t make sense is, why does the left hate Putin so much? Putin is the result of the collapse of a totalitarian, communist regime. Putin and his oligarchs are the Democrats given 50 more years and their ability to enact alltheir idealist communist ideals.

The primary reason they hate Russia is not only because of the disinformation campaign levied against Trump and Russia because of Clinton’s lies in 2016 but because the waning power of their moral imperialism. It’s all America had left. After getting chased out of Afghanistan by guys with AKs older than me wearing flip flops the military power of the US was terminated.

Again, over the last year the left has watched its domestic power wane, as all their pet policies come to fruition only to get bowled over by reality. As their cultural imperialism culminated it provided more opportunity for normal people to encounter it and criticize it. The critiques found the left’s ideology lacking any coherence or attachment to the real world. Reality always reasserts itself. So, for this reason the left’s cultural hegemony is gradually degrading.

A portion of the left’s power is based upon them being the faction of caring in juxtaposition to uncaring conservatives. Their façade of being the empathetic had to crack to enact harsh penalties on normal civilians, usually disengaged from politics,to keep them in line with the orthodoxy. For instance, using threat of the FBI and DHS to investigate concerned parents who didn’t want their kids transitioned genders and sexualized by the left’s degenerate policies. The digital unpersoning of people for having heretical views to the left’s religion. These normal politically apathetic parents didn’t have radical views. They held normal views and had to fear persecution, prosecution, and destitution for voicing standard opinions, heterodoxy to the zeitgeist.

The soft power imperialism of the new American ideology was the only way that the US projected power. We no longer sought to imperialize nations or impose our political will by military force, instead we send emissaries with Gay Pride flags and transgender admirals to send a message abroad and normalize the new American hegemony of the Global American Empire (GAE). This power waning domestically also means it took a hit internationally. As Americans began questioning the leftist elites of the institutions, including the academy, the administrative state and even the military it began to give rise to questioning of the GAE across the globe. The questioning effect was only compounded by the complete loss of confidence in every institution because of the obvious disparity between what they said about COVID and what happened. The say-do gap was too large, and it was overtly apparent there was significant deception.

The GAE and left thought they had the ability to imperialize the entire world without consequence and with no resistance. Russia, however, decided to exert its political will through the use of physical, kinetic force. That physical kinetic force ran over the GAE’s wants and will. You can’t stop a tank with a pride flag, apparently. A lesson the US military may want to take to heart as its recruitment and retention are are at new lows, even in a horrible economy. The left finally realizing it couldn’t exert it’s will any longer without contest domestically decided to focus internationally. They focused all their rage and will ondefeating Russia. The convoluted mess of Trump’s nothing-burger Ukraine fiasco made Ukraine the focus. It was someone they could save since Ukraine was a victim of their domestic enemy. The only reason they hate Russia and love Ukraine is because Trump said something on a phone call. Their entire political agenda is laid upon the foundation of Orange Man Bad. Their domestic policy, their international relations policy, tax policy, energy resource policy. It’s “just do the opposite of Trump, we don’t care who suffers or dies.” Can you see anything different?

Trump allegedly somehow supported Russia (at least in their deluded fever dreams) and so they must support (anti-gay marriage, civil rights violator) Ukraine. While they will hold 18thand 19th century men of our country’s founding to 21st century standards, for some odd reason they have no compunction to hold Ukraine to the standards of the century they live in as far as civil rights and tolerance. But I digress…

The left has seen their soft power wane. Normal people are slowly standing up, slamming down the staff and telling them, “you have no power here!!!” They must find somewhere to use their power, someplace to gain a foothold as they keep losing grip and sliding away from society. All they have is the Presidency to shovel military aid and money to their victim of the quarter, their cause du jour. They gain power through their support of “victims” by claiming moral superiority. Every time they lose moral superiority they slip further down the hole. There is no moral superiority to supporting a protracted conflict in Ukraine, war-mongering and brushing off the threats of nuclear war. This is especially true when you aren’t doing it for any principle other than “Orange Man Bad.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a strong believer that sovereign nations have a right to defend themselves from invasion. Which Ukraine seems to be a Ukraine problem when the US has 2.5 million invaders crossing the southern border every year. Maybe we should exercise the Defense in Department of Defense and solve our own invasion problem first.
